Vivian O.

asked • 09/18/15

write an equation that result in the indicated translation. The absolute value function shifted 7 units to the left.

1. write an equation that result in the indicated translation. The absolute value function shifted 7 units to the left.
2. The linear equation y=78.68x+1124 provides an approximation of the value(in dollar) of an account opened on January 1, 1988,in the amount of $1124and earing 7% simple interest, where x=0 represent January 1, 1988,x=1 represent January 1, 1989, x=2 represent January 1, 1990 and so on.
write an equation that yield the same y-value when the exact year number is ended. 

1 Expert Answer


Jordan K. answered • 09/19/15

4.9 (79)

Nationally Certified Math Teacher (grades 6 through 12)

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