Asked • 03/19/19

“Bonsoir” or “Bonne soirée”?

I have a small doubt regarding the usage of *Bon soir* and *Bonne soirée*. As far as my understanding goes or you can blindly say what I have been doing till now is: *Bon soir*, when you meet someone and *Bonne soirée* when you take leave of the same person(s).I had a situation recently.So when I begin, I go by a *salut* in the morning and a *salut* when I leave for home in the evening. Yesterday, for a change I tried *Bonne soirée* while leaving and the replies as expected were *ciao*, *salut*… and some unexpected *Bon soir*'s. So this confused me a bit!Should I have used *Bon soir* or *Bonne soirée*?---Related queries:While on the way back home if I meet someone whom I had already greeted in the morning, what should be the greeting in the context of *Bon soir* or *Bonne soirée* (no actual conversations involved except the greeting)?What is the factor (time or sunlight) for switching from *Bonjour* or *Bonne journée* to *Bon soir* or *Bonne soirée*?Combinations: *Merci* *Bonne journée* *Au revoir* ; Is this combination acceptable or should *Bonne journée* be the last in the list. Example situation: while leaving a *magasin* or a *bus*.

1 Expert Answer


Olivia M. answered • 03/22/19

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