Priyanshi G.

asked • 11/22/21

Find the equation of an ellipse if its center is S(2,1) and the edges of a triangle PQR are tangent lines to this ellipse. P(0,0), Q(5,0), R(0,4)

Find the equation of an ellipse if its center is S(2,1) and the edges of a triangle PQR are tangent lines to this ellipse. P(0,0), Q(5,0), R(0,4)

Mark M.

Did you draw and label a diagram? So you see the possibilities?


Poonam G.

Please solve this problem


1 Expert Answer


Emily W.

If you graph this it doesn’t fit within the triangle. This is originally how I tried it and got stumped. I think it has to be a rotated ellipse? Because the center has x=2 and the left side has x=0 but there’s no way for the right side to touch x = 4 because the hypotenuse of the triangle would cut through it. I’m gonna work on this tomorrow and see what I can get. I’m not sure what the complexity of this assignment was or if I am the one overthinking it.


Grigoriy S.

Actually you are right. I assumed that the major axis parallel to x-axis. Now I see that I was wrong. The major axis of the ellipse is tilted to x-axis. I will think about it more. Please disregard my initial solution.


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